active directory, hyper-v, microsoft, networking, rds, rwa, Windows Server, windows update
Remote Web Access (RWA) SSL Gateway not working after Windows Update
After installing Windows updates you may get the following error when trying to logon to RDS via RWA (Remote Web Access)

Log into the Domain Controller
Open Powershell as ADMIN
Run the following command:
dism /online /Enable-Feature:Gateway-U

Open the Remote Desktop Gateway Manager from Administrative Tools > Remote Desktop Services.

Right click the server name then select Properties
Select the SSL Certificate tab then select Import Certificate…

Select the correct SSL certificate for the Remote Desktop Gateway then select Import

Click Apply then OK

Close Remote Desktop Gateway Manager
Test connectivity via RWA
Exchange, networking, Windows Server, windows update
Post Windows Updates you may notice MS Exchange services and other dependent services are disabled you can check this by viewing services.msc
Execute the powershell commands below on the Exchange Server to get the services up and running.
First, we have to know which services there are and which need to have their startup type changed. I used the Get-Service cmdlet to find out. In my case, I was just interested in the Exchange Services, so I needed to filter them with the following command:
Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName –like “Microsoft Exchange *”} | ft Name,Status
The output told me which services needed to have their startup type changed. To do that, I only had to change the entry after the last Pipe. (To change the startup type I don’t need a displayed output, but I need to change the startup type for the selected services.) This I did with the following cmdlet:
Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName –like “Microsoft Exchange *” } | Set-Service –StartupType Automatic
The Exchange Services startup type was changed from disabled to automatic. But they were still not running. To start the services, we can use the following cmdlet:
Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName –like “Microsoft Exchange *” } | Start-Service
Next step, IIS
After the Exchange Services have all changed their startup type and status, we are almost done. There is another service we also have to think about – IIS.
To edit the IIS Admin Service, we can follow the same concept as we did with the Exchange Services. First, we need to identify the services and set the startup type to automatic. For that, we can use this cmdlet:
Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName –eq “IIS Admin Service” } | Set-Service –StartupType Automatic
Last but not least, we also need to start IIS Admin Service. This we can do with the following cmdlet:
Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName –eq “IIS Admin Service” } | Start-Service
networking, windows 10, windows update
I have a client where the Windows 10 update was installed overnight and it has broken the ability for one of the pc’s to access the other pc for file shares. It is a small network (only 2 pc’s) both running W10 Pro. The main pc can see the shares on the other pc but the one I want to see the main pc shares can only see the main pc in networks but not see any shares.
On the sharing pc, after many attempts in getting it going, I did this and it worked:
- Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy > expand Local Policies > Security options
- Click on Network security: Lan Manager Authentication level > Then in the field select > Send NTLMv2 responses only > click on Apply, then ok and close all
- Restart your pc.
Windows 10 version 1709 disables SMB 1.0