Bypass Windows 11 Network Setup to create a local user account

Bypass Windows 11 Network Setup to create a local user account

Bypass Windows 11 Network Setup to create a local user account.

Whether you are turning on your new device for the first time or performed a clean installation of Windows 11, say are always prompted to join a WiFi Network if you are not using an Ethernet cable to connect to the internet, follow the steps below to bypass this network setup so you can create a local account without needing a Microsoft account.

On the “Let’s connect you to a network” page, use the Shift + F10 keyboard shortcut.
In Command Prompt, type the OOBE\BYPASSNRO command to bypass network requirements on Windows 11 and press Enter.

bypass win 11


The computer will restart automatically, and the out-of-box experience (OOBE) will start again.

Quick note: You will need to select the region and keyboard settings one more time to get to the network connection page.

Click the “I don’t have internet” option.

win 11 i dont have internet

Click the “Continue with limited setup” option.

bypass win11 network

You have now bypassed the Windows 11 Network Setup menu and create a local user account.


Create Group Policy to Whitelist Applications

Create Group Policy to Whitelist Applications

Create Group Policy to Whitelist Applications – Ransomware prevention


Recommended to test Whitelisting in a test environment before deploying in production environment. Purpose is to Block Ransomware, Block Java Updates You will need to manually add Whitelist entries for each new Java Update you wish to install

Go to

Take note of the latest Java Version (eg, 8u301)

Login to your to a server that can Access/Create/Edit Group Policy objects

Open the run command, type in gpmc.msc – Click OK


Right click on the Organizational Unit you wish add the Whitelist to, Select the first option.

(Create GPO)

Enter a name for the Whitelist, Click OK (i.e CryptoLocker/Ransomware Prevention)

Link the newly create GPO to any other Organizational Units you want to be added to the GPO.

(eg. Right click on Computers OU, ‘select Link an Existing GPO…’ then select the new GPO)

Right click on the GPO, click Edit…

Drill down in; Computer Configuration >> Policies >> Windows Settings >> Security Settings >> Software Restriction Policies

Right click on Software Restriction Policies, Select the first option

Right click on Additional Rules, Select New Path Rule…

Enter the following path: %localAppData%\*\*.exe

Security Level = Disallowed

Click OK

Create Additional Path Rules for the following paths:








Your list should look like this:

Exit out of Group Policy Editor.

Create another GPO called Cryptolocker/Ransomware – Whitelist Allow (Link to same OU’s as previous GPO)

Right click on the GPO, click Edit…

Drill down in; – Computer Configuration >> Policies >> Windows Settings >> Security Settings >> Software Restriction Policies

Right click on Software Restriction Policies, Select the first option

Right click on Additional Rules, Select New Path Rule…

Under ‘Path:’ enter the path of the Java Installer you wish to allow:



Depending on which version of Java you are updating, replace ‘8u91’ with the version you want to allow.

Set Security Level to ‘Unrestricted’

Enter an appropriate description name.

Click OK.

Verify that new Path Rule has been added to Whitelist.

Close GPO Editor.

Refresh Group policy Management

Go down to the Whitelisting Çryptolocker/Ransomware – Whitelist Allow GPO, click on it once

In the window on the right select ‘Settings’ from the tabs.

Drill down to; Computer Configuration >> Policies >> Windows Settings >> Security Settings >> Software Restriction Policies/Additional Rules

Verify that new Path rule is shown in Policy List.

Exit Group Policy Management.


Go to a machine what is linked to the GPO to test whitelist.

Run Java Updater/Installer

Note the successful installation of Java

If fails = Perform forced Update to GPO

From Administrative Command Prompt,

gpupdate /force



Enable Auditing on Windows Folders/Files

Enable Auditing on Windows Folders/Files

Audit all access to folders and/or files on a server or workstation.

Log onto the server/workstation that you wish to enable auditing on.

Open Local Group Policy Editor.



Browse to the following location: – Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Audit Policy

Double click ‘Audit object access’

Select Success and Failure

Click Apply then OK

Exit Local Group Policy Editor


Navigate to the folder/file you wish to track permission changes.

Right click the folder/file then select Properties.

Select the Security tab then select Advanced

Select the Auditing tab then select Continue (if prompted)

Click Add

Click Select a principal

Type ‘everyone’ then select Check Names. – Click OK

Set the Type: to All

Untick the default auditing permissions and only select ‘Change permissions’ – Click OK

Click OK Twice more.

Open up cmd or powershell as ADMIN

Execute the command: gpupdate /force

Auditing is now implemented on the specific folders/files.


To check audit logs open Event Viewer.

Select the Security Logs

Filter the logs based on Event ID 4670








Microsoft Exchange Services disabled after windows updates

Microsoft Exchange Services disabled after windows updates

Post Windows Updates you may notice Microsoft Exchange services and other dependent services are disabled you can check this by viewing services.msc

Execute the powershell commands below on the Exchange Server to get the services up and running.

First, we have to know which services there are and which need to have their startup type changed. I used the Get-Service cmdlet to find out. In my case, I was just interested in the Exchange Services, so I needed to filter them with the following command:
Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName –like “Microsoft Exchange *”} | ft Name,Status

The output told me which services needed to have their startup type changed. To do that, I only had to change the entry after the last Pipe. (To change the startup type I don’t need a displayed output, but I need to change the startup type for the selected services.) This I did with the following cmdlet:
Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName –like “Microsoft Exchange *” } | Set-Service –StartupType Automatic

The Exchange Services startup type was changed from disabled to automatic. But they were still not running. To start the services, we can use the following cmdlet:
Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName –like “Microsoft Exchange *” } | Start-Service


Next step, IIS

After the Exchange Services have all changed their startup type and status, we are almost done. There is another service we also have to think about IIS

To edit the IIS Admin Service, we can follow the same concept as we did with the Exchange Services. First, we need to identify the services and set the startup type to automatic. For that, we can use this cmdlet:
Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName –eq “IIS Admin Service” } | Set-Service –StartupType Automatic
Last but not least, we also need to start IIS Admin Service. This we can do with the following cmdlet:
Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName –eq “IIS Admin Service” } | Start-Service


Create Group Policy to Whitelist Applications

Convert SSL Certificate to .pfx format (Microsoft IIS)

Convert SSL Certificate to .pfx format (Microsoft IIS)

Obtain a SSL Certficate from a trusted CA (Certificate Authority)

Usually you receive three certificates from the CA, SSL Certificate, CA Bundle and a Private key

In this tutorial we will be using the SSL Certificate and Private key.


Create a new text document on your local machine called private_key.key paste the contents of the private key from the CA into the file.

Save the file. (Make sure it is saved as .key)


Repeat the same process for the SSL Certificate

Copy the contents of the SSL Certificate key field

Create a new text document on your local machine called public_ssl_key.cer paste the contents of the SSL Certificate into the file.

Save the file. (Make sure it is saved as .cer)


You will end up with the following 2 files


To bind the public/private key pair and a set password for .PFX File you will need to download OpenSSL

Download OpenSSL:

Once downloaded extract the contents of the OpenSSL folder and browse to the bin folder.

Open Powershell as Administrator and change to the directory of the bin folder.

Example: cd C:\openssl-1.0.2j-fips-x86_64\OpenSSL\bin

Copy the previously created SSL files containing the Public and Private key into this directory.


Execute the following command to generate a .PFX file with a password

.\openssl.exe pkcs12 -export -inkey private_key.key -in public_ssl_key.cer -out ssl_cert.pfx

(This will create a .pfx called ssl_cert.pfx and will be saved in same directory as the bin directory.)


You will then be prompted to enter a password for the .PFX file.


The .PFX file will then be generated with a password attached to it.


You can now use this certificate to Import into IIS on Windows Server or via Windows MMC Console.











Enable Auditing on Windows Folders/Files

Remote Web Access (RWA) SSL Gateway not working after Windows Update

Remote Web Access (RWA) SSL Gateway not working after Windows Update

After installing Windows updates you may get the following error when trying to logon to RDS via RWA (Remote Web Access)

rwa gateway


Log into the Domain Controller

Open Powershell as ADMIN

Run the following command:

dism /online /Enable-Feature:Gateway-U

pwoershell rwa install


Open the Remote Desktop Gateway Manager from Administrative Tools > Remote Desktop Services.

remote deskop gateway manager






Right click the server name then select Properties

Select the SSL Certificate tab then select Import Certificate…

ssl cert import rdg


Select the correct SSL certificate for the Remote Desktop Gateway then select Import

import ssl remote desktop gateway


Click Apply then OK


Close Remote Desktop Gateway Manager

Test connectivity via RWA






Create Group Policy to Whitelist Applications

Disable Microsoft Teams from starting at login

Launch powershell as Admin on the workstation server where Microsoft Teams runs at start-up

Execute the following command:

Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run -Name “com.squirrel.Teams.Teams”

Reboot server/workstation

If the above does not work login as an administrator and manually remove MS Teams from Add Programs and Features menu

Create Group Policy to Whitelist Applications

Move Active Directory Database to new disk drive

NOTE: Take a backup and/or snapshot of the VM before making any changes.

When setting up Active Directory, the IT Administrator is given an option to select the folder path to copy the Active Directory database files to. It is advised to always to use a separate partition to save the database files instead of using the default C:\Windows\NTDS\ folder path.  This provides an easier opportunity to move the Active Directory database to different location should disk space on the server dry up.

In this Step-By-Step, the lab DC currently stores its AD database files in default C:\Windows\NTDS\ folder. Steps will be detailed amidst this post to move it to a new disk added to the server. The new path it will be moved to will be E:\ADDB

Step 1: Prepping Active Directory to be moved

  1. Log in to the primary domain controller as domain or enterprise administrator
  2. In Server Manager, navigate to Tools > Services
  3. Once mmc loads, right click on Active Directory Domain Services and click stop

4. When asked if it’s okay to stop associated services, click Yes to continue.


Step 2: Moving the Active Directory database

  1. Right click on start button and click on Command Prompt (Admin)

2. Once command prompt is visible, type ntdsutil and press enter

3. Next type activate instance ntds and press enter

4. Then type files and press enter

5. In files maintenance the command to move the db is required. As mentioned earlier, the need to move the database to E:\ADDB.Type the following command to enable the move: move db to E:\ADDB
Note: Remember to use quotations (“”) should the path contain a space

6. Once the database files are successfully moved, type the following command to move the logs: move logs to E:\ADDB

7. Once the move has successfully completed, Return to the initially used services.msc and start Active Directory Domain Services stopped in Step 1

Browse to the new directory where the database files were transferred to confirm they have been transferred successfully.

Restart System.

Test logging in as a AD user.






Enable Auditing on Windows Folders/Files

Disable VMQ on RSC on Hyper-v NICs and vSwitch

VMQ can cause erratic virtual machine network performance when enabled, such as latency and dropped network connections. This is especially common with Broadcom Gigabit network adapters.

This how-to will show you how to disable VMQ on your Windows host server using PowerShell.

On your host, open up a PowerShell prompt as an Administrator and enter the following command to return all of your installed NIC’s and their VMQ status:


Next, for any NIC listed in step 1 above with VMQ set to $true, run the below command to disable VMQ. The NIC will become disconnected for approximately one second after you run this command:

Set-NetAdapterVmq -Name “NIC Name” -Enabled $False


Disable RSC with the commands below:

netsh int tcp set global rsc=disabled

Get-NetAdapterRsc | Disable-NetAdapterRsc

Get-VmSwitch | Set-VMSwitch -EnableSoftwareRsc $false



Create Group Policy to Whitelist Applications

Microsoft Exchange 2013 OWA & ECP Blank Screen – FIX

Firstly check to see if IIS is running via services.msc

If you attempt to start the IIS service and it fails you may get the following error message in Event Viewer

The Windows Process Activation Service encountered an error trying to read configuration data from file’\\?\Windows\system32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config, line number

If so, navigate to C:\inetpub\history than the latest subfolder and copy the applicationHost.config and copy it to C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\config\ then restart the World Wide Web Publishing Server and the related others, or reboot the server.

Microsoft Exchange Services Disabled after windows updates – FIX

Microsoft Exchange Services Disabled after windows updates – FIX

Post Windows Updates you may notice MS Exchange services and other dependent services are disabled you can check this by viewing services.msc

Execute the powershell commands below on the Exchange Server to get the services up and running.

First, we have to know which services there are and which need to have their startup type changed. I used the Get-Service cmdlet to find out. In my case, I was just interested in the Exchange Services, so I needed to filter them with the following command:
Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName –like “Microsoft Exchange *”} | ft Name,Status

The output told me which services needed to have their startup type changed. To do that, I only had to change the entry after the last Pipe. (To change the startup type I don’t need a displayed output, but I need to change the startup type for the selected services.) This I did with the following cmdlet:
Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName –like “Microsoft Exchange *” } | Set-Service –StartupType Automatic

The Exchange Services startup type was changed from disabled to automatic. But they were still not running. To start the services, we can use the following cmdlet:
Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName –like “Microsoft Exchange *” } | Start-Service

Next step, IIS

After the Exchange Services have all changed their startup type and status, we are almost done. There is another service we also have to think about – IIS.

To edit the IIS Admin Service, we can follow the same concept as we did with the Exchange Services. First, we need to identify the services and set the startup type to automatic. For that, we can use this cmdlet:
Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName –eq “IIS Admin Service” } | Set-Service –StartupType Automatic
Last but not least, we also need to start IIS Admin Service. This we can do with the following cmdlet:
Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName –eq “IIS Admin Service” } | Start-Service

Enable Auditing on Windows Folders/Files

Cannot Access Network Shares After Windows 10 Update – FIX



I have a client where the Windows 10 update was installed overnight and it has broken the ability for one of the pc’s to access the other pc for file shares. It is a small network (only 2 pc’s) both running W10 Pro. The main pc can see the shares on the other pc but the one I want to see the main pc shares can only see the main pc in networks but not see any shares.


On the sharing pc, after many attempts in getting it going, I did this and it worked:

  • Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy > expand Local Policies > Security options
  • Click on Network security: Lan Manager Authentication level > Then in the field select > Send NTLMv2 responses only > click on Apply, then ok and close all
  • Restart your pc.


Windows 10 version 1709 disables SMB 1.0

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